I made this music player at MyFlashFetish.com.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
OP News Flash
We've finished the updates on the new site style for the Members-Only site, MySingSpace (for now!) and our members have given us great feedback! They really love the new look, and fun new forum features.

Currently, we are working on a re-design of the main site: www.OnlinePopstar.com , which hopefully will be completed prior to Christmas. The new look is amazing, and we can't wait for the reveal!
We are now announcing the new benefits to the world, and to those who may have missed the announcement...
OP now welcomes Fan Members to 80mb of song upload space! This is a HUGE increase from the old limit... Now, instead of storing two songs on the site for free, you now can store up to 27 songs (approx.) before you have to start deleting the old to make room for the new!
PLUS...Fan Members are now free to enter the monthly online talent contests and win:
We have many fun and exciting contests at OP:
- Monthly Talent Contest
- Fantabulous Fan Contest
- Oldies Contest
- Videoke Contest
- #1 OP Voter Contest
So, fire up your mic and get in the running!
Login to MySingSpace with your OP user ID and password, upload your songs and pics, jazz up your web page, send out your own personal url (http://OnlinePopstar.com/community/YOU! ) to all your friends and invite them to join you at the most fun & friendly singer's site on the web!
Coming in DECEMBER...
In December, a new feature will be added to the MSS forums called The Gift of Song.
Here, you will be able to upload song dedications to those that you love for the Holidays.
You can add your song and any message, graphics, or cards that you want to include. The forum will be open to anyone with an internet connection, so you can dedicate a song to Grandma even though she's not an OP Member, and she'll be able to follow the link you send her to receive your gift of song!
This special feature is our gift to you!
What a beautiful way to send a very personal holiday gift that will truly warm the heart of someone dear to you!
Be looking for this new forum in the MSS Showcase!
Cheers for a JOYFUL Holiday Season, Everybody!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Contestants may submit the song that they won their monthly contest with, or may choose to submit a new song for the Semi-Finals.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
BIG Changes at OnlinePopstar!
- 80 mb of song and pic UPLOADS.
- Your own web page to design and show off to your friends.
- Your own url at OP: www.OnlinePopstar/community/YOUR_NAME
New All Access Pass Benefits
Upgrade to an OP All Access Pass and you get all the great features of Fan Membership, PLUS:
- 300 MB upload space! No need to frequently delete songs to make room for more!
- Unlimited use of The Critic's Studio - Vocal Critique and instruction from a professional vocal coach.
- Upload up to 15 songs to your own mp3 player on your web page to showcase your talents.
- Unlimited use of Classifieds to post your gigs and ads.
- Post your gigs on your web page calendar so your fans know what you're up to.
We're Growing!
OnlinePopstar has had 2000+ new registrations in just five months!
With our new membership benefits, we are expecting a huge surge in the competitions, and lots of new singers hanging out and socializing on the site.
We are in the talks with potential Judges from the genres of:
So, soon we'll have all genres covered, and every singer on the web, will have his/her music heard by someone in their industry!
Name Changes
The OP Members-Only site has been renamed to...
Soon, an all-new logo will be rolled out, and all links will point to the new name!
Come visit us at:
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Videoke Contest Winners at OP!
(I apologize for the delay - I had a glitch in the videoke software, but it's repaired now and running 100%!)
And so, without further blah, blah, I present your Videoke Winners (Videoke Performance and Videoke Slideshow):
Videoke Performance Winner
for: A Simple Kind Of Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Steven has the high score of 8.96 based on 11 reviews of his video.
Visit his page (click on his pic above) to wish him "congrats" and to check out his awesome video!
* * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
Enter your own videoke performances and slideshows for a chance to win!
Each month, singers can submit karaoke videos - Videoke - to the OnlinePopstar Videoke Contest to win a very cool Videoke Star Winners graphic for their web pages, plus a one-month FREE All Access Pass to OnlinePopstar.
Videos are viewed and rated by site visitors and videoke fans all across the web!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
9/11 - A Day Of Good Deeds!

A lot of us don't know what to do on 9/11.
It's a sad day, and it envelopes us in a dark, ominous mood, full of despair and fear. For, what really has changed or been done to restore our sense of security and safety?
The truth is, nothing CAN be done to undo the horror of 9/11. Truly, not even swift justice against the perpetrators would have erased those images, or made any of it "right." We learned the ultimate lessons of vulnerability and cruelty.
With time, the wound will heal, but we're left with a permanent scar that will never go away; a scar that permeates our DNA and will be passed as a vague uneasiness to our children and theirs.
Because our human spirit rails against such atrocity, we must find a way to persevere, to rise up again. In times of trouble and crisis, our human spirits shine and reveal themselves to others and ourselves as more powerful and loving than we ever could have imagined. Sometimes it takes a crisis to learn who we really are.
In the wake of the 9/11 tragedy, we did indeed rise up and bond as a collective whole, in a powerful force of unity and compassion. More than bombs, guns, and war, this force TRULY made an impact on our lives, it "righted" a lot of wrongs.
As humans, our unity made us stronger and gave us a purpose and something to cling to; in the face of cruel inhumanity, we clung to our own humanity and leaned on eachother for hope and support.
We needed eachother then, and we need eachother now.
Today, in remembrance of 9/11, I ask you to join me at My Good Deed (http://mygooddeed.org/) and participate as a way to honor the victims and heroes of 9/11 and preserve the spirit of unity and compassion that existed in the nation following the terrorist attacks.
You will join people and organizations everywhere who are pledging to keep the 9/11 spirit of unity alive by performing good deeds on 9/11 and every day throughout the year.
By standing up and celebrating your humanity in this way, you will TRULY fight against terrorism and those who hope to destroy us. This is a wonderful opportunity to remember, reclaim life, and to heal.
Monday, August 20, 2007
OnlinePopstar People's Choice Contest - August, 2007
We have a new voting system in place, and we need your votes to pick a winner!
We've begun a new voting method for August, 2007.
From now on, you can cast your vote in the People's Choice Voting Booth.
You can only vote one time - but you can vote for up to three (3) of your favorite singers.
The voting booth is open to all: All Access Pass Members, Fan Members, and OP Visitors. You do NOT have to be a site member to vote for your favorite singer!
So spread the word about the OnlinePopstar People's Choice Contest! Tell everyone to come listen and vote.
Send the link below to all your friends and karaoke fans around the world:
Vote before September 7th!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
OnlinePopstar's Youngest Member In The News!
The story, as printed, follows:
GRAHAM - In recent years, American Idol and other talent hunting contests have garnered much attention eclipsing the smaller talent searches that still take place at local fairs around the country.
One such contest is the Colgate Country Showdown, which recently took place at the Mason County Fair July 28.
This country talent search takes small town talent and makes big dreams come true. The lure of cash prizes and a lofty title at stake, this contest is a serious deal in the world of Country music.
Country music is often thought of as a southern affair, but as 13-year old Jessica Jocoy is proving, even up north we have a little country in our hearts. She is currently an eighth-grader at Glacier Middle School in Buckley and recently participated in Colgate Country Showdown at the Mason County Fair. At the contest she beat out 11 other girls to obtain the title of runner up. It was Jocoy's first time entering a contest of this magnitude, but she said that even though it was her first time in such a contest she didn't let her nerves get to her. She said that even though the contest was difficult, her fellow "competitors were kind and friendly."
Darrell Jocoy, Jessica's father, thinks that for his daughter being the "youngest and shortest performer at this competition" she did exceptionally well.
They both agreed that even though the contests are fun they are still highly competitive; he believes that his daughter has a long way to go in her musical career and with a little more musical training and stage experience she will have no problems in the future obtaining the top prize.
Her runner-up status has by no means halted her young dreams of country music success as she continues to push forward by making new songs and learning more about the extensive field of music. She is currently working on various songs for her future album and her natural soothing voice has a wide range that lends itself to many other genres besides country.
Her natural talents have already begun to earn her a loyal fan base; she eagerly recalled a practice performance in Roy at the Grand Little Opry where an older woman came up to her after the show and politely said she came just to hear her sing.
Flattering comments such as these keep Jessica Jocoy actively pursuing her dreams of Country music success.
Currently she can be heard on online at www.onlinepopstar.com/community/Jessica-j, a website for young musicians to upload their musical tracks for fans and interested talent agents to listen to.
Onlinepopstar.com site functions similar to popular networking sites like Myspace, except its focus is centered on music and allowing young budding music artists to share their unique vocal sounds with the world.
Her future aspirations include completing an album and one day performing on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry similar to her favorite performer Martina McBride, a country singer whose powerful soothing voice is inspiration to the young artist.
She understands that competitions like these are hard and difficult, but says the best advice she has on dealing with nervousness and the pressure of contests of this magnitude is "to stay humble, don't be overconfident, and remember to keep coming back."
With these wise and inspiring words it's a safe bet that we haven't heard the last of Jessica Jocoy.
So country music fans keep your ears peeled for this budding country sensation in Graham.
To hear Jessica sing, please visit her web page and listen to a number of great performances, including her very first original composition, God Is Here.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Information?! Gimme a frickin break!
Currently, it is globally accepted to call this so-called service "Information." I would like to advance my position that the name of this service be officially changed to "Crap Shoot."
Typical dialing event:
Me: (Full of fear and loathing, tinged by a miniscule shred of hope) dialing: 4. 1. 1.
"Automated THEM:" City and State, please.
Me: New York, New York.
"THEM:" I'm sorry. Please state the City and State again.
Me: New York, New York.
"THEM:" City please.
Me: New York
"THEM:" What State?
Me: New York. New York CITY, State of New York. USA. North America.
"THEM:" (snidely, as I've taken too much of their time, already) Listing, please.
Me: Somesuch Media Company
"THEM:" Palmstuck Media Company? One moment please...
Me: No! No, Somesuch! S as in Sam.
"THEM:" Thank you. One moment please... We have no Somesuch Media Company. Have a nice d--
Me: No! Wait! Please search again. The address is 12345 Fifth Avenue, New York City, NY.
"THEM:" (exaggerated sigh) One moment please... I have Somesuch Drycleaners And Pawn on Fifth Avenue. Have a nice d--
Me: No! Wait! That's not the number I need. It is a Media Company! They've been in business for 27 years, at the same address. I've called them before, I've gotten the number from information before! YOU HAVE THE NUMBER!
"THEM:" Look, ma'am I have the computer right in front of me and do not have your listing...
Me: S. O. M. E. S. U. C. H.
"THEM:" Hold for your number. click.
"Automated THEM:" The number you requested (remember this statement, readers!) is: 123-555-4567.
Me: Like an insipid dolt, I fall for it, again. I dial the number. 123-555-4567.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
Oblivious Stranger: Westwood Ridge Yo-Yo Academy. May I help you?
Me: I'm sorry, I've been given the wrong number.
Suspicious Oblivious Stranger: Do you have a child enrolled here? How did you get this number?
Me: Information gave me your number. It's not the right number, sorry.
Officious Oblivious Stranger: Well! What number did you dial?
Me: 123-555-4567
Indignant Oblivious Stranger: Well! That is indeed our number, ma'am. Who were you trying to call?
Me: Nobody you know.
Offended Oblivious Stranger: Please don't call this number again if you have no business with us.
Me: Sorry. I'll try like hell not to call you again.
Outraged Oblivious Stranger: CLICK.
Is it just me?! Am I the only one?! Is there some governmental initiative afloat to keep just me in a perpetual state of confusion and ignorance? Perhaps the work I do is counterintuitive to some secret agency directive to blight out the mixed bag of karaoke, website administration, writing and television production. Yes! That must be it! Operation KWAWT STOP.
Years back, in the throes of youthful naivete, I did attempt to call "Information" back and get the correct number. Once or twice, I even suggested that the phone company return the .35 cents that I'd been charged for the erroneous information given. Ho HO! The folly of youth!
To expose this side of an already dark story, I'd have to slap an NC-17 rating on my blog, so it will remain untold. Suffice to say, I don't sleep well at night.
It is probably a modest approximation, but I assert that the 411 Information Service (oxymorons, all) has cost me 233 productive hours and close to $3,000 in fees.
Yes, the name must be changed from 411 Information Sevice to 411 Crap Shoot Disservice to accurately reflect the average consumer experience.
It is my personal agenda to advance this campaign. I will fight tirelessly to expose this unseemly conspiracy against all KWAWTs and any other group so unfairly targeted and terrorized on our nation's phone lines. I may be in grave danger and have to go underground for awhile.
If anything ever happens to me, please call Clarice at 603-555-9876. I was given her number by mistake back in 2003 when attempting a call to Starbucks headquarters to complete some research I was doing for a show premise. Turns out, many people are given her number by "mistake" and we talked for hours and hours about the serious implications of this fact.
She is currently building a database of mis-directed callers and is conducting research of her own on this evil phenomena, which she hopes to publish in support of my campaign.
If you've been affected by the despicable practices of the 411 Crap Shoot Disservice, please feel free to share your stories.
Together, we can change the world!
Monday, July 23, 2007
OnlinePopstar Talent Contest - July, 2007
- John Brooks - Save The Last Dance For Me
- Stephane - Wicked Game
- Steve - I'd Be A Legend In My Time
- SassyKathi - Superstar
- CFelix52 - Alone
These singers are now advanced to the Judging phase and will have their songs heard and scored by the OP Panel of Judges.
- $100.00 cash prize
- a cool winners graphic to display on his/her web page
- a CyberStars front page feature
- a Members Spotlight on the OnlinePopstar.com home page
Congrats to the TOP 5! There's a lot of great talent at OnlinePopstar!
Friday, July 13, 2007
The entrants this month are brilliantly talented and the song choices were fantastic. It made our job really difficult, but at last, we have determined the winner!
His song, Rockin Robin was not only a super-fun song to listen to, but he also exemplified the sound of the Oldies, and his performance was stellar!
As the Oldies Contest Winner, Stephane wins a neato graphic to display on his web page, and is advanced to the Oldies Sing-Off in March, 2008 for a shot at a beautiful singer's trophy and a one-year free All Access Pass to OnlinePopstar.
The next Oldies Contest begins on August 1st. We love the songs so far and are having so much fun with this contest! For your chance to win the pride graphic below, and entry in the Oldies Sing-Off, be sure to get your contest entries in before August 7th.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
OnlinePopstar People's Choice Contest - July, 2007
Everlasting Love - Gloria Estafan
Amazed - Lonestar
James Davis
The One - Elton John
We Belong - Pat Benatar
Love Me - Elvis Presley
No More Words - Berlin
How Do I Live - Trisha Yearwood
Jake Sloan
Nightshift - Commodores
Home - Michael Buble
I'll Stand By You - The Pretenders
Spotlight On ... Patrick D

(Click the pic to visit Patrick's web page.)
Monthly Contest Winner & Monthly People's Choice Winner!
Patrick D (ubyaman) has wowed the OP Fans, site visitors, and Judges with his rockin' style, amazing vocal talent, and versatility!
Patrick joins OP Finalists, Catalin and Dustin Wangler in the OP Grand Finals in October, 2007. Six OP Finalists will compete for great cash prizes, awesome merchandise, an original song to use as a demo, and free memberships to OP and MusicGorilla.com.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
All - New Videoke Site
I'd like to invite you all to check out the all-new OP Videoke site!
It's been re-designed (looks pretty snazzy!) and now has two categories:
- Videoke Performance - This category is for singers to post their live performances in, singing, playing instruments, live on stage, or just in front of the web cam.
- Videoke Slideshow - This category is for singers who create slideshows to accompany their songs.
Each month, we will have one winner from each category, who will win a one-month free All Access Pass to OnlinePopstar.
There are a great many cool features to:
- rate videos
- upload your karaoke videos
- create video playlists
- link your videos from other sites
- grab widgets to post on your pages, websites, and blogs
- email your favorite videos to friends
And if you're a real Videoke/talent expert, feel free to leave a review! Comments can be posted and Top Reviewers are featured on the site!
If you haven't already, please sign-up on the Videoke page and start reviewing and scoring all the great talent!
The winners will be announced on the first day of each month!
We LOVE your feedback! Please send any comments, suggestions, and ideas to us via EMAIL.
Break a leg, Baby!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Online Popstar...When You Wish To BE A Star!: OnlinePopstar Seeks Judges!
Still looking to add more fabulous industry members to our fantastic panel!
Onlinepopstar.com, the world's ONLY international online karaoke contest website, is looking for judges for the online talent contest.
As a judge, you will be added to the OnlinePopstar Judges Panel and receive your own Judges bio page, complete with your bio, pictures, music, and advertising links.
Please visit the OnlinePopstar Judges link for an example: http://onlinepopstar.com/OurJudges.htm
OnlinePopstar.com receives over 70,000 hits/day and has seen 500% growth in each month since it's launch in January, 2006. This is a great opportunity for anyone in the music industry, music education, or entertainment business to help aspiring artists reach their goals as well as to promote themselves and their services and/or products to a targeted audience of singers and music industry professionals.
OnlinePopstar judges are also given the option to have their own forum in the members-only CyberStars forum. CyberStars is a rapidly-growing social networking community of karaoke lovers, singers, and fans. Here, you will also receive your own web page. You can post your articles, tips and advice here for our members and become known as an expert in your field.
DETAILS: As an OnlinePopstar judge, you will be required to spend approximately one hour per month scoring song submissions. You will be scoring only the top 5 singers each month. The scoring rubric is simple and is based on a 1-5 point scale on six different talent criteria. Your individual scores are never revealed to the contestants, just their collective scores from all judges are given. You are not expected to reveal your scores on any individual and are not expected to enter into any conversation with any contestants outside of the site.
Each OnlinePopstar judge hosts one edition of Inside The Singer's Studio, a live chat session on the site that allows the site members to chat live, ask questions and seek general advice.
REQUIREMENTS: OnlinePopstar is an industry leader in talent and our Judges Panel aims to be prestigious. To be chosen as an OnlinePopstar judge, you should work or have expertise in the music industry, have professional credentials or projects of merit that you have accomplished and have a great ear for vocal talent. You must be completely comfortable in scoring vocal competitors according to their level of talent; the contest is not a love-fest, we are looking for honest, accurate scoring from the judges panel.
Judge applicants will be asked to provide a brief bio/resume and references.
If you're interested in becoming an OnlinePopstar Judge, please send an email stating your interest, your bio details, references and a link to your website (if you have one.)
Become part of something GREAT!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
New OP Judge - MusicGorilla.com!
Music Gorilla is a complementary website that showcases aspiring artists to hundreds of music labels, A&R reps, and studios. With their solid contacts deep within the fields of entertainment and industry, Music Gorilla is able to guarantee their site members to be heard by the movers and shakers in "the biz" who can make an enormous impact on the careers of up and coming superstars!
Industry members are so impressed with MusicGorilla that they will fly out to listen to live MusicGorilla showcases and artist-member gigs!
These fine folks are cutting-edge and passionate about what they do. The passion at MusicGorilla is to put aspiring artists directly in the line of fire; right in the center scope of music industry professionals who are looking to sign new acts, publish new music, produce music videos, and place new talent in tv, movies, and even video games!
Despite the recent deals that they have gotten for new artists such as: Milhouse, Ghost In The Machine, Kevin Schaeilling, Big Wolf Pappa, Shelley Laine, and Fell Boyzs, MusicGorilla takes NO cut in any deal!
That's right. As a MusicGorilla member, your deal is the one you strike with the Industry Members at MG. MusicGorilla claims no "finder's fee" for either it's Artist Members or it's Industry Members. It is simply the most innovative and ground-breaking opportunity for aspiring artists on the web!
Because they believe that the world's "next big deal" is going to be found in the wealth of unsigned talent on the web, MusicGorilla is extending it's expertise to the OnlinePopstar Worldwide Online Karaoke/Talent Contest.
As members of the OP Panel of Judges, MusicGorilla will apply the same intuitive insight into true talent that they do for the music industry. Each month, they will listen to the OnlinePopstar TOP 5 singers and score them on the basis of talent, voice, style, and overall entertainment value.
Additionally, MusicGorilla.com will sponsor one of the prizes to be won in the OnlinePopstar Grand Finals in October, 2007! In addition to the other cash and prizes, this season's OP Grand Finalist will also win a one-month FREE MusicGorilla membership! With this, the winner can submit their original song (another great OnlinePopstar Finals prize!) to MusicGorilla.com and be guaranteed that an Industry Member will listen to their submission!
As an added bonus, all OnlinePopstar Members can now enjoy a special 10% discount on membership at MusicGorilla.
The benefits of OnlinePopstar membership are growing by the day!
All-New CyberStars! It's stunning.

- http://onlinepopstar.com/community/Roxie
- http://onlinepopstar.com/community/sassykathi
- http://onlinepopstar.com/community/wnglr40
That's just a small example of what you can do with your very own web page at OnlinePopstar!
Other cool new features include:
- Blogs
- Photo Gallery
- Member Ratings
- Live Chat
- IM
- MP3 Players
- Quizzes (take & create)
- Polls (create & answer)
- Events Calender
- Guest Books
- Friend Invites
- Cool new forum
- ...and more!
People really love the new CyberStars site and OnlinePopstar has welcomed over 900 new members just since it's launch on March 22!
With such a great early response, we're so excited for the future!