Friday, July 13, 2007

It is now time to announce the Winner in the July, 2007 SassyKathi Oldies Contest. It was so very, very close this month and choosing the winner was both excruciating and a labor of love.

The entrants this month are brilliantly talented and the song choices were fantastic. It made our job really difficult, but at last, we have determined the winner!

And so, without further ado...

Congratulations to Stephane Bouchard!

His song, Rockin Robin was not only a super-fun song to listen to, but he also exemplified the sound of the Oldies, and his performance was stellar!

As the Oldies Contest Winner, Stephane wins a neato graphic to display on his web page, and is advanced to the Oldies Sing-Off in March, 2008 for a shot at a beautiful singer's trophy and a one-year free All Access Pass to OnlinePopstar.

The next Oldies Contest begins on August 1st. We love the songs so far and are having so much fun with this contest! For your chance to win the pride graphic below, and entry in the Oldies Sing-Off, be sure to get your contest entries in before August 7th.

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