We've finished the updates on the new site style for the Members-Only site, MySingSpace (for now!) and our members have given us great feedback! They really love the new look, and fun new forum features.

Currently, we are working on a re-design of the main site: www.OnlinePopstar.com , which hopefully will be completed prior to Christmas. The new look is amazing, and we can't wait for the reveal!
We are now announcing the new benefits to the world, and to those who may have missed the announcement...
OP now welcomes Fan Members to 80mb of song upload space! This is a HUGE increase from the old limit... Now, instead of storing two songs on the site for free, you now can store up to 27 songs (approx.) before you have to start deleting the old to make room for the new!
PLUS...Fan Members are now free to enter the monthly online talent contests and win:
We have many fun and exciting contests at OP:
- Monthly Talent Contest
- Fantabulous Fan Contest
- Oldies Contest
- Videoke Contest
- #1 OP Voter Contest
So, fire up your mic and get in the running!
Login to MySingSpace with your OP user ID and password, upload your songs and pics, jazz up your web page, send out your own personal url (http://OnlinePopstar.com/community/YOU! ) to all your friends and invite them to join you at the most fun & friendly singer's site on the web!
Coming in DECEMBER...
In December, a new feature will be added to the MSS forums called The Gift of Song.
Here, you will be able to upload song dedications to those that you love for the Holidays.
You can add your song and any message, graphics, or cards that you want to include. The forum will be open to anyone with an internet connection, so you can dedicate a song to Grandma even though she's not an OP Member, and she'll be able to follow the link you send her to receive your gift of song!
This special feature is our gift to you!
What a beautiful way to send a very personal holiday gift that will truly warm the heart of someone dear to you!
Be looking for this new forum in the MSS Showcase!
Cheers for a JOYFUL Holiday Season, Everybody!