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On this site, you'll find links to karaoke equipment, software, excellent sites, and the BEST forums on the web for karaoke fans.
Enter online with a song upload and get your talents heard by music biz pros! Join our fun and friendly singer's forum, MySingSpace!
I spent sooo much time and effort to learn to design the site, then spent hours building it, plotting it out, and tweaking it... There! "I built it and they will come," was my happy final thought.
HA! My simplistic approach was very soon to be revealed to me as a flight of blind ignorance. Since that time (3 long months ago) I have been diligently promoting OnlinePopstar, ever cautious of crossing the line from sharing information over to the "dark side" of spamming innocent people! What is okay for informational purposes on one site is heartily frowned upon elsewhere. No one has yelled at me yet, and I'm diplomatically charging ahead to get the word out that OnlinePopstar is alive and well and, well, an itsy bit lonely.
I mean, site visits have risen over 300% in the last 3 months; that's good, isn't it? I really wish that I knew for sure what to look for in regard to successful website growth. If anyone can tell me what constitutes average, above average, or (ack!) sluggish website progress, please do tell. You'll have a very eager and attentive listener in me!
So, I've found yet another outlet for shameless self-promotion. If you'd like to see my crafty little ads on AdPost.com, please click on the link below. If not to check out my ads, you really should see this site, anyhow. It's an amazing world-wide site where you can post FREE classified ads in myriad categories to bargain hunters everywhere.
(please, oh please, oh pleeeease?)
p.s. O.J.T. = On the Job Training