Friday, April 25, 2008

TOP 6 Singers at MySingSpace

TOP 5 Singers at MySingSpace

We had 31 super-talented Contestants in the April Contest!

Congrats to Nienscecco for winning the
OP People's Choice Award
by capturing the most Fan votes (22) with
his impressive performance of "Painted On My Heart."

We also have a tie for the fifth spot, so we have a TOP 6 for the month of April!
67 voters got their names added to the #1 OP Voter Prize Drawing
for a chance to win a $25.00 Visa Gift Card!

Congrats to the following OP Talent Contest TOP 6 Singers
who will now advance to the Scoring Phase of the contest...

Congratulations to the TOP 6 Singers for April:

(be sure to click on their names below to send a
personal note of congratulations for their achievements!)

*Nienscecco - Painted On My Heart -22 votes
Congrats, Nienscecco! ~ The People's Choice Winner for April!

*rokkgirl - Innocence - 17 votes
*DeGrim - T.R.O.U.B.L.E. - 14 votes
*STARCALIBUR - Seperate Ways - 13 votes
*Shield3510 - Weekend In New England - 12 votes
*Catalin - More Than I Can Say - 12 votes

These singers are now advanced to the Judging phase and
will have their songs heard and scored by theOP Panel of Judges.

The singer with the highest score will be declared the Monthly Winner and
be automatically advanced to the OP Semi-Finals in September, 2008.

Additionally, the winner will receive:
  • A six-month free All Access Pass
  • a cool Winners Pride graphic to display on his/her web page
  • a MySingSpace front page feature
  • a Members Spotlight on the home page

New! Prizes for 2nd & 3rd place, too!

2nd Prize: Three-month FREE All Access Pass + Winners Pride graphic
3rd Prize: One-month FREE All Access Pass + Winners Pride graphic

Congrats to the TOP 6!
OP Singers are raising the bar!

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