We finally got our air-date!
Last year, as some of you may recall, I was contacted via OnlinePopstar.com by ABC to appear on their hit reality show, Wife Swap, with my family, as THE ULTIMATE KARAOKE FAMILY.
Last year, as some of you may recall, I was contacted via OnlinePopstar.com by ABC to appear on their hit reality show, Wife Swap, with my family, as THE ULTIMATE KARAOKE FAMILY.

My three kids were dying to do the show! Me, not so much.
Their excitement won us over, and away I went!
I left mid-February, 2007, for the mile-high region of Loveland, Colorado, to immerse myself in the world of mixed martial arts (MMA).
Performing all forms of martial arts for four hours per day made me truly appreciate what the NFL teams go through when they play in Denver!
It was a helluva experience, a real eye-opener, to be sure, for someone like me who'd never watched Wife Swap before!
I had a blast with the ABC film crew, and made some great friends there and with RDF Media, the production company for Wife Swap. I did NOT make friends with the other family, though... heh heh...
There were amazing differences in our styles of parenting, as you'll see if you watch the show.
So, now we have an air-date: Wednesday, March 12 at 8:00 p.m. (EST) on ABC.
Please feel free to pm me with any questions or comments you have on the show; I'm happy to answer any and all!
Below is a copy of the ABC press release and a link to it:
This week in "Martinez/Figaratto," an extreme fighter mom who runs a martial arts studio with her black belt husband swaps lives with a soft-hearted stay-at-home mom whose life is devoted to her kids and karaoke, on "Wife Swap," WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on ABC.
Each week from across the country, two families with very different values are chosen to take part in a two-week long challenge. The wives from these two families exchange husbands, children and lives (but not bedrooms) to discover just what it's like to live another woman's life. It's a mind-blowing experiment that often ends up changing their lives forever.
Kate Martinez (26), her husband, Adam (35), and stepson Alex (10) live to fight, and teaching over 150 students at their Colorado family-run martial arts studio is their passion and livelihood. Kate and Adam insist that the most important thing they instill in their students, and in Alex, is self-discipline. Kate and Adam are teaching Alex that nothing in life comes easy -- not even parental affection. Alex is a self reliant boy who makes his own dinner, can put himself to bed and does chores in the family home and at the family's martial arts studio. He has to be independent, as Kate lavishes most of her affection on her beloved pet cockatoo, Maki.
Kate travels to Maine to the home of the fun-loving Figaratto family, where wife Roxie (36), husband Ron (39) and children Megan (17), Katie (13) and Christian (9) sing karaoke seven nights a week. The Figarattos throw karaoke parties in their basement, which they have dubbed the "R&R karaoke bar." Roxie even runs an internet karaoke business from the basement, but as soon as the kids get home, she turns her undivided attention to them. In the Figaratto home, the kids are center-stage, and as a result they sometimes behave like spoiled rock stars -- Christian won't brush his teeth, comb his hair or take a bite of food without supervision. At dinnertime, Roxie visits several different fast food restaurants to get each member of the family whatever strikes their fancy.
In the first week of the swap, Kate must cater to the pampered Figarattos' every whim, doing the kids' chores herself and driving all around town to fetch food for the family of finicky eaters. Later, Kate finds stage fright to be a worthy opponent when it's time for her to step up to the mike at one of the Figarattos' karaoke parties. In Colorado, peace-loving Roxie has a tough time kick-boxing, but she has even more trouble ordering Alex around like an employee.
In the second week of the swap, when the wives change the rules and turn the tables, Kate bans karaoke and trains the Figarattos in martial arts to teach them some much-needed discipline. She also puts her foot down with the coddled kids, enforcing chores and making immature Christian take care of himself. Meanwhile, Roxie throws a karaoke party to loosen up the ultra-serious Martinezes, and rules that Adam must close the martial arts studio to spend more time with Alex.
At the end of the swap, when the families are reunited, will Roxie change her tune and add discipline to her family's life? Will Kate put her stepson before her martial arts studio, or at least before her cockatoo?
"Wife Swap" is an RDF USA production. It was created by Stephen Lambert and is executive-produced by Stef Wagstaffe and Stephen Lambert of RDF Media ("Faking It" and "Junkyard Wars") and Michael Davies of Embassy Row ("Who Wants to be a Millionaire"). This episode was executive-produced by Wendy Roth with Cristin Cricco, Stephanie Schwam-Adams and Mike Gamson as the co-executive producers.
ABC Media Relations Contact: Mozell Miley (212) 456-6444
ABC Photography: www.abcmedianet.com (818) 460-6611
It was a helluva experience, a real eye-opener, to be sure, for someone like me who'd never watched Wife Swap before!
I had a blast with the ABC film crew, and made some great friends there and with RDF Media, the production company for Wife Swap. I did NOT make friends with the other family, though... heh heh...
There were amazing differences in our styles of parenting, as you'll see if you watch the show.
So, now we have an air-date: Wednesday, March 12 at 8:00 p.m. (EST) on ABC.
Please feel free to pm me with any questions or comments you have on the show; I'm happy to answer any and all!
Below is a copy of the ABC press release and a link to it:
This week in "Martinez/Figaratto," an extreme fighter mom who runs a martial arts studio with her black belt husband swaps lives with a soft-hearted stay-at-home mom whose life is devoted to her kids and karaoke, on "Wife Swap," WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on ABC.
Each week from across the country, two families with very different values are chosen to take part in a two-week long challenge. The wives from these two families exchange husbands, children and lives (but not bedrooms) to discover just what it's like to live another woman's life. It's a mind-blowing experiment that often ends up changing their lives forever.
Kate Martinez (26), her husband, Adam (35), and stepson Alex (10) live to fight, and teaching over 150 students at their Colorado family-run martial arts studio is their passion and livelihood. Kate and Adam insist that the most important thing they instill in their students, and in Alex, is self-discipline. Kate and Adam are teaching Alex that nothing in life comes easy -- not even parental affection. Alex is a self reliant boy who makes his own dinner, can put himself to bed and does chores in the family home and at the family's martial arts studio. He has to be independent, as Kate lavishes most of her affection on her beloved pet cockatoo, Maki.
Kate travels to Maine to the home of the fun-loving Figaratto family, where wife Roxie (36), husband Ron (39) and children Megan (17), Katie (13) and Christian (9) sing karaoke seven nights a week. The Figarattos throw karaoke parties in their basement, which they have dubbed the "R&R karaoke bar." Roxie even runs an internet karaoke business from the basement, but as soon as the kids get home, she turns her undivided attention to them. In the Figaratto home, the kids are center-stage, and as a result they sometimes behave like spoiled rock stars -- Christian won't brush his teeth, comb his hair or take a bite of food without supervision. At dinnertime, Roxie visits several different fast food restaurants to get each member of the family whatever strikes their fancy.
In the first week of the swap, Kate must cater to the pampered Figarattos' every whim, doing the kids' chores herself and driving all around town to fetch food for the family of finicky eaters. Later, Kate finds stage fright to be a worthy opponent when it's time for her to step up to the mike at one of the Figarattos' karaoke parties. In Colorado, peace-loving Roxie has a tough time kick-boxing, but she has even more trouble ordering Alex around like an employee.
In the second week of the swap, when the wives change the rules and turn the tables, Kate bans karaoke and trains the Figarattos in martial arts to teach them some much-needed discipline. She also puts her foot down with the coddled kids, enforcing chores and making immature Christian take care of himself. Meanwhile, Roxie throws a karaoke party to loosen up the ultra-serious Martinezes, and rules that Adam must close the martial arts studio to spend more time with Alex.
At the end of the swap, when the families are reunited, will Roxie change her tune and add discipline to her family's life? Will Kate put her stepson before her martial arts studio, or at least before her cockatoo?
"Wife Swap" is an RDF USA production. It was created by Stephen Lambert and is executive-produced by Stef Wagstaffe and Stephen Lambert of RDF Media ("Faking It" and "Junkyard Wars") and Michael Davies of Embassy Row ("Who Wants to be a Millionaire"). This episode was executive-produced by Wendy Roth with Cristin Cricco, Stephanie Schwam-Adams and Mike Gamson as the co-executive producers.
ABC Media Relations Contact: Mozell Miley (212) 456-6444
ABC Photography: www.abcmedianet.com (818) 460-6611
I made it a point to watch the other night. Canceled going to a rehearsal, left a school event early... It was a pleasure to start to get to know Roxie better since I've been part of her site for over a year and wondered about her life and situation. I was bummed for Alex, but I do applaud the "intention" of Kate in teaching her step-son to be independent. There is nothing wrong with a young person knowing how to do laundry or fix a plate of pasta. It is a bummer he has to do these things in isolation, though, and even though we only saw Alex for 40 minutes on TV, it is obvious the isolation is affecting him. Can't he have a friend over when the parents go our on their date once a week? Someone to talk to and laugh with. I hope he gets the chance to laugh at school, since it wasn't exactly the party atmosphere at his house. Mockie can't take the place of human interaction. It is good that he can be caring and gentle with a pet. The dad kept saying how involved he is with he studio, and that's great that he is involved in a family business, but, even that is done in emotional isolation since the parents can't really pay attention to him with all the other students around. I wonder if they do homework together or if the parents are involved with his school (even in a martial arts academy way). Roxie and family--rock on with karaoke! :-) The little guy should be brushing his teeth on his own, though. :-)
That show is sometimes hard to watch since there is judgement and miscommunication on both sides to make the show "more interesting". I don't know that I'd be as free to condemn another mom on either side without knowing the specifics. I don't think social services needs to be involved with the Martinez family. They should ask Alex to speak up and let them know how he'd like his life to be.
Anyway, entertaining show and I'm glad I watched.
Jeanie in AZ
I had a blog for several years and then started a new one. I loved you on Wife Swap today. You karaoke...people tell me I have a good voice although I don't think I can carry a tune in a bucket...lol...but I do write songs.
I am just now watching the episode. I was intrigued because my fiancee Beth and I just moved to Maine this past year and LOVE karaoke! When I heard the description of your family, I thought "wow that sounds like how our family would be"! It must have been SO HARD to have seen Alex being so isolated from his parents all the time. I totally agree with the things you said throughout the show, such as "it doesn't take much effort to spend 10 minutes with your child". Beth and I would love to meet you and your family. I hope you're still going strong with the singing. Having fun is so important!
my husband and I watched the episode on the lifetime channel, yes i know we're late on it but omg, can you believe Kate? I mean she paid and showed more affection toward the bird then her own step-son, Alex. She looks very young and what's sad is that Alex's dad is more consumed with HER than his own son. Where is Alex's biological mother, i bet she'd do a better job a parenting. For them to be able to go out just the two of them while Alex is at home making microwave food is ridiculous!! I'm sorry but Kate could run the damn studio by herself once in awhile so that Alex and his dad can go out and have some time together. I doubt they hired anyone to help. What bad parenting! It sadden me so much to watch Alex go through all that and to have someone like Kate as a stepmom... ughh, i couldn't even fathom it. you noticed that Alex did not have any friends over and when he had that rash, all his dad could do was focus on his dumb class but when it came to that ridiculous bird that seems as if it's THEIR baby and child, they paid way more attention to it. Even after, when the couples met up with each other, all they talked about was martial arts and the bird... they mostly interacted with each other. Dad needs a reality check as far as i'm concerned or I say alex needs to be raised in a better family who will give him the attention and love he deserves.
ps. Roxie and family, you guys are awesome! Except for kids being so picky with food and having to make three different stops, not good. and your son, althought very funny, like jeanie said, should be brushing, shower, etc on his own without having to have mommy sit and watch.
I think what that kid went through was ridiculous. No kid unless its a have to like if there working should have to cook and clean a whole house. Kids should have chores and allowance and one parent should have been with him at all times. Even with karate expertise at his age he will be no match for a bullet or at least some friends over. That kid should of been treated way better than that darn cockatoo that should have come second even the kids at the child place got better attention than him. That pet needs to be at a zoo or pet sorta where it belongs. And the parents should be arrested and chard with mass neglect. And the kid should be placed in foster care in till he can be given to caring and understanding parents.I feel for that kid and what he has to got through May GOD lead him into a better life.
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